Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dbq About Spread of Buddhism Essay Example

Dbq About Spread of Buddhism Essay The Han Dynasty fell in 220 C. E. allowing Buddhism to spread and go to China gaining followers. Buddhism was founded in India in the sixth century B. C. Also in India came a time called the Dark Age and then following that was the golden age. Many people in China lost interest in Buddhism and were against it thinking it was a threat to Confucianism; others were pro Buddhism. These groupings helped identify how well and poorly Buddhism’s spread affected China. During the period of political instability Buddhism did however flourish in China. People began seeking salvation because of the constant warfare thus converting to Buddhism. Conversely when an imperial structure started to come back Buddhism was against what was needed for the empire to thrive as people also thought it threatened their political power, it then lost appeal and soon faded but not fully dying. Buddhism came to China as a fresh new religion and attracted many people. A Buddhist tradition (Doc. 1) consists of â€Å"The Four Noble Truths†. This was a way of life for people who worshiped Buddhism. The truths are about sorrow, overcoming it, and stopping it. As people began seeking for recovery it was â€Å"The Four Noble Truths† they looked to for an outlook on life. Many people believed in Buddhist concepts, and not Confucianism concepts. One thing that was heavily supported was the Buddhist idea of karma, which brought comfort too many people that suffered greatly in those troubled times. Confucianism had said that unexplainable events were the work of Heaven but Buddhism indicated that suffering was due to a persons bad behavior in their previous life, which relates to â€Å"The Four Noble Truths†. Zhi Dun was a Chinese scholar (Doc. ) supporting Buddhism and the aristocrats and officials in charge during China’s invasion by central Asia. People following Buddhism and converting will reach nirvana at the end of their life. His point of view is that if you follow the scriptures, observe the commandments, and a vow to be reborn you behold the Buddha and be enlightened. He was persuading people to convert and have t rust and faith in this religion, majority of the people without material resources were more likely to turn to the spiritual teachings; it gave them a sign of relief. An anonymous Chinese scholar (Doc. ) supports Buddhism and reflects about its encounters with Confucianism. Zong Mi, Buddhist scholar, (Doc. 5) explains the importance of how well Laozi, Confucius and Buddha spread in such a time of salvation. Buddhism was able to expand at a time of a constant warfare and people turned to the religious faiths. These faiths should be respected for what they did for Chinese society. Zong Mi since he is a Buddhist scholar is point of view on Buddhism will mainly positive. The leaders of each religion were wonderful sages and there teachings lead to such great things in China. We will write a custom essay sample on Dbq About Spread of Buddhism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Dbq About Spread of Buddhism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Dbq About Spread of Buddhism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And of course if anything did come up insulting Buddhism, Zong Mi, would defend it as he was favored by the Tang imperial household. Together, these documents support the idea that when China faced a time of political instability Buddhism was able to flourish by the support of many Buddhist scholars and there positive point of view on the religion. An imperial structure started building back up in 570 C. E. in China. Buddhism’s way of life went against what was needed for China’s society. And the people of China then started disagreeing with Buddhism and losing interest in it. It was becoming a threat to the teachings of Confucianism. Han Yu (Doc. 4) is against Buddhism in China, as it only a group of unsettalized people and should not appear in ancient times. Buddhism attracted many people and they followed and worshiped it so strongly that when Buddhism is carried from one temple to another some people may cut off their arms in offerings to the Buddha. Han Yu’s point of view is not in favor of Buddhism, and he thinks that some people may take it too far as it is not a sufficient religion to have in China. Buddha’s background does not contain anything historical in relating to China, from its clothes to language. How is this then supposed to spread and take over China if it has nothing to do with the society and cultural heritage of China? Buddha’s teachings are nothing like the kings and his way of doing things did not follow the Chinese law. The memorial on Buddhism and the bone of the Buddha should be respected as for what it was. It should be given to the proper authorities and have the evil rooted out so that the later generations are spared. Han Yu thought that Buddhism shouldn’t be worshiped as it was when it spread to China. Yes it did come at a time of salvation, however though Buddhism disagreed with what was needed for a thriving empire to comeback into power. It should not be recognized as such a great thing, but for what it truly was and later generations to come should not have to deal with Buddha’s teachings. At the end of the Tang dynasty Buddhism started to decrease, the emperor Wu was not pro Buddhism (Doc. 6). It was interpreted that Buddhism stretched to all nine provinces of China, slowly gaining followers wearing out strength in the people and much more. All together the spread of Buddhism was destroying the law of the Tang and injuring humanity. Also, the tang emperor Wu shows how everyone works off each other and if one doesn’t go work in the fields, then someone else is hungry. The farmers are to feed the nuns and monks and if they do not do their job then the government officials go hungry. At this time Buddhist temples were reaching high numbers and getting even bigger than the imperial palace itself. Because of the sudden increase in followers in Buddhism rulers became only curious about it. Some promoted it and others tried to destroy it and follow the ways before Buddhism came to China. These rulers that were against Buddhism did just that. An emperor of the Tang dynasty was strongly against Buddhism and was pro Confucianism that it ordered for the destruction of Buddhists temples. Buddhism never regained its power and influence again after that. Together, the Han Yu, Zong Mi, and Tang emperor Wu all disliked Buddhism as they thought it would become a threat to Confucianism. Confucianism was a way for them to start rebuilding China’s imperial structure and Buddhism was not following. And also, China was not accepting of outside information and to have a new religion spread and quickly adapt followers was something China was not use to. An additional source that could be used in supporting my thesis of how Buddhism spread during a time of salvation is a census of the number of people that were following Buddhism when it first arrived. When Buddhism spread from India to China in the first century China was facing political instability and needed something to fall back on. This new faith allowed just that and many followed within the first few years. Many people joined and worshiped this religion. The numbers of people were almost greater than the imperial palace. Now if a census was taken later on, when an imperial structure was regaining power many people lost interest in Buddhism. The spread was short lived and only lasted and gained as many followers as it did because it came at a time where people were seeking salvation. The census would track how many people adopted Buddhism when it first arrived and how many people were still following when it started to decrease. In conclusion, Buddhism spread from India to China winning converts from the collapsing of the Han Dynasty in 220 C. E. Buddhists influence expanded even more throughout China for several more centuries. This was during the Tang and Song dynasties which were part of the Golden age of China. The documents were separated by scholars and emperors who were pro or against Buddhism. Many were against because it threatened the way of Confucian and they wanted Buddhism to disappear. Majority of the people followed Buddhism and were pro. It was a way for people to fall back on something new and fresh considering they were at a time of political instability. Overall, the spread of Buddhism affected China and had its ups and downs attracting followers, in the end it did survive China and the people were more accepting to a religion than they were before.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Themes of Death in Emily Dickinson’s Essay Example

Themes of Death in Emily Dickinson’s Essay Example Themes of Death in Emily Dickinson’s Paper Themes of Death in Emily Dickinson’s Paper Emily Dickinson, as a poetic writer, composed most of her works with the theme of death, the entirety of which can be categorised into three different periods of writings; the earliest mainly contained the themes of death and immortality, personifying death and elegiac poems and lacked the intensity and urgency of her later poems or their fascination with the physical aspects of death (VAN DAESDONK 2007). Because of Dickinson’s immense fascination with this subject it is interesting to compare her pieces against each other to see how her view of death changed over the years of her writing. ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’, written in 1857-62, is an example of the earlier period of Dickinson’s writing. There are many different interpretations of this piece, the most obvious one is that the poem centers on an individual who has encountered the spirit of a person and is shocked by the meeting. A deeper analysis shows the possibility of the poem being about how the persona, or Dickinson, is forced to reassess her loyalty or belief of Christianity through the encounter of a ghost. In contrast ‘How many times these low feet staggered’, written 1890, can be recognised to belong in her later period as its theme centres on the viewing of the corpse of a mundane housewife and the physical aspects of her death. The poem itself is in the first person persona and contains a grotesque dreary tone; and from the poem’s fascination with the corpse we can see Dickinson’s frustration and obsession with death. Concerning the form and structure of ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’, the piece is a ballad, one of the two main forms of narrative poetry, as the poem uses the traditional ballad metre, which is made up of rhyming quatrains of alternative four-stress and three-stress lines. It is written in Iambic metre which gives the poem a soft flowing, lilting rhythm, this along with the many pauses throughout the poem cause the pace to become slow and smooth, much like the movement of the poem’s subject, a ghost, would be. ‘How many times these low feet staggered’ differs from this in that the metre of the poem is iambic, the first syllable of each line is unstressed followed by a stressed one, however the first line of he poem intentionally breaks this pattern. ‘How many times these’ makes the rhythm disjointed and gives the impression that the sentence itself is staggering like the line is trying to describe the housewife staggering over her work. The hyphen at the end of this line also helps to throw the rhythm off as it makes us pause in our reading, but, it also gives us time to stop and envision what the life of this drab housewife would have been like, and how hard it must have been if she would be ‘staggering’ her way through it. The idea about contemplating the dead woman’s life could be linked to the words ‘low feet’ as they are such usually unnoticed things to note about a dead person when normally a person would be looking at the face, it gives the impression that the persona of the poem is staring at the corpse’s feet in her death bed and wondering about how her life was life and what she must be feeling in death. The poetic voice of ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’ has a dreamy tone to it which shows Dickinson’s feelings about death to be innocent, almost naive, in that she seems to view death and something peaceful and or sublime. However, in the final stanza the persona’s tone changes from the earlier dreamy quality of when they were speaking about the ghost and snaps to a harsher, berating tone, where the the persona never wants to remember meeting the ghost, which could be an indication of Dickinson’s realisation that the afterlife isn’t as simple and innocent as she first viewed it to be. Throughout the first three stanzas the lines all finish in a rhyme; ‘so’ and ‘snow’, ‘roe’ and ‘mistletoe’, ‘breeze’ and ‘trees’, which gives the poem a smooth flowing rhythm to it and a dream-like quality. However the final stanza breaks that pattern using ‘shy’ and ‘day’ which don’t rhyme, ruining the original lilting rhythm that the poem previously had, the breakage in the pattern accentuates the change in tone from dreamy to harsh. In contrast to the dreamy tone of the earlier poem, ‘How many times these low feet staggered’ has a distinctly more realistic and macabre tone to it. The mention of ‘flies’ gives us the image of decomposing meat as though the corpse were rotting which helps establish the more realistic side of what physically happens when a person dies, i.e their bodies rot. However the flies also clarify how monotonous the dead woman’s life and the tone of the poem is, as flies are known to continuously bang themselves against a window in their attempt to get out though them in what is obviously a futile effort which might have been what this woman’s life was like. The mention of the window also helps to create the idea that her death is the window of freedom she needed to finally escape such a droll life, emphasising the macabre tone by making death seem better than life. The phonology of ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’ is mainly used to create the atmosphere and help with the imagery of the Ghost. The first simile of the poem in line three shows the reader the qualities of the ghost; ‘stepped like flakes of snow’ showing that his footsteps were light and pure, the delicacy of ‘flakes of snow’ also links back to the line about his clothes being ‘Mechlin’ which is lace, a delicate and intricate material (VAN DAESDONK 2007). Also in this line is sibilance the ‘s’ sounds of the ‘flakes’, ‘stepped’ and ‘snow’ help to emphasise the delicacy and how incorporeal the ghost is and give us a softer interpretation of it. In the sixth line the alliteration in ‘rapid like the Roe-’ ironically enough slows down the sentence creating a paradox, in that a line about ‘rapid’ movement is spoken so slowly, this is like the previous line ‘His Gait- was soundless’ which is also a paradox as it seems unnatural for any type of movement to be truly ‘soundless’. The paradoxes in the poem help to create an other-worldly atmosphere, which ties in well with the subject of this poem as a ghost could most definitely be described as an other-worldly creature, which belongs better in the spiritual plane rather than the mortal plane. Contrasting this, ‘How many times these low feet staggered’ uses man-made physical images to describe death, In line two Dickinson describes the dead woman’s mouth to be ‘soldered’, this imagery gives the conception that her mouth has been welded shut like metal and also gives the rather repugnant notion of how rigor-mortis has set into her body. These images link up to the idea of how in death this woman is unable to communicate with us, the living. The long vowel sounds in this sentence like in the words ‘only’, ‘soldered’ and ‘mouth’ cause the reader to to use excessive mouth motions which helps to create a contrast between us and our ability to pronounce these words and the dead woman who is so unable to move her mouth at all. In line 5 the two monosyllables ‘hot’ and ‘so’ give the line a seriousness and weight to it that tries to sober the mind and thoughts of the reader. The line talks of how the housewife was so often hot and sweaty from her long day of work and it links back to the earlier idea of staggering and again reminds us of how hard this woman’s life was. Another contrast between the two poems is the lack of nature, aside from the mention of a fly, in ‘How many times these low feet staggered’. Nature, which seems to be another favoured subject of Dickinson’s as we can see from her other poems such as ‘I taste a liquor never brewed’ and ‘Blazing in Gold’, is often referred to in ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’. For instance the paradox of line five about the soundless movement would seem wholly unnatural were it not for the simile that follows after; ‘like the Bird’ this connects the paradox with nature and causes what would normally seem unnatural to feel perfectly normal and natural. Also because the poem has been set in winter time, ‘flakes of snow’, using birds in the line makes it seem far more realistic that the movement soundless because in winter time there is a substantial lack of birds, so there would be no movement and thus it’s ‘soundless’. In terms of the poem’s lexis, the use of the word ‘appalling’ in the final line of ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’ is interesting because if you look up the word ‘appalling’ in the dictionary you’ll see that the definition is ‘causing dismay or horror. ’ However if you look up the origin of the word from 1810-20 the word comes from the Middle English ‘appallen’ taken from the Old French ‘apalir’ : ‘a’, to + ‘palir’, to grow pale (Howell, no date). This could be connected with the image of the ghost, who would stereotypically be a pale apparition, and would it in well with the interpretation of the poem being about how the ghost tests the persona’s faith in religion, The way Dickinson uses the word ‘adamantine’ to describe the corpse’s fingers in ‘How many times these low feet staggered’, whilst again showing us how rigor-mortis has set in, also gives the impression of how the corpse is precious to the persona as adamantine refers to â€Å"adamantine lustre of a  diamond†. The dead woman could have been precious to the persona; in life by how useful she was in looking after the house, or that in death the dead woman is precious as her body is the persona’s link into the world of death and the afterlife. The two poems themselves have very little in common with each other which is rather unusual considering that they circle the same subject and are written by the same person. ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’ seems to show a young Dickinson’s innocent fascination with death shown though the dream-like tone and links to nature and therefore life, the final four lines break this by bringing about a harsher tone through the broken rhyme, which could be said to show Dickinsons fist steps towards the frustration and macabre fascination she shows towards death in her later works. Of which we see a lot of in ‘How many times these low feet staggered’, a more grotesque and dreary poem of death, seen through the referrals to man-made objects such as ‘handle’ and ‘hasps’ and the physical state of the housewife’s corpse. The changes in tone and view of death could have been brought on by age, as they were written about 30 years apart, and it’s inevitable that time could have matured Dickinson’s feelings about death, whether by the Civil War she lived though, and her brother fought in (VAN DAESDONK 2007), or the fact that in aging she was approaching the end of her life itself, thus creating an urgency in the need to understand what the next stage of life would entail for her. Bibliography: VAN DAESDONK H. 2007 Emily Dickinson Notes Teignmouth College, unpublished Dickinson, E. (1997) Emily Dickinson (Everyman Poetry) Phoenix The Only Ghost I ever saw (Wayne Howell, no date) Available at: 8georgetown/. edu/centers/endls/applications/postertool/index. cfm? fuseaction=poster. display (Accessed on: 21 February 2011) Optical properties of rocks and minerals (2004) Available at: rockcollector. co. uk/opticalprop. htm (Accessed on: 21 February 2011) Appendix: 274 The only ghost I ever saw 1 The only ghost I ever saw Was dressed in mechlin, - so; He wore no sandal on his foot, 4 And stepped like flakes of snow. His gait was soundless, like the bird, But rapid, like the roe; His fashions quaint, mosaic, 8 Or, haply, mistletoe. His conversation seldom, His laughter like the breeze That dies away in dimples 12 Among the pensive trees. Our interview was transient, - Of me, himself was shy; And God forbid I look behind 16 Since that appalling day! 187 How many times these low feet staggered 1 How many times these low feet staggered- Only the soldered mouth can tell- Try- can you stir the awful rivet- 4 Try- can you lift the hasps of steel! Stroke the cool forehead- hot so often- Lift- if you care- the listless hair- Handle the adamantine fingers 8 Never a thimble- more- shall wear- Buzz the dull flies- on the chamber window- Brave- shines the sun through the freckled pane- Fearless- the cobweb swings from the ceiling- 12 Indolent Housewife- in Daisies- lain!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading Assingment and Answer the Questions Article

Reading Assingment and Answer the Questions - Article Example Please include in your discussion the effects of the following: the lifting of interest rate caps; the permitting of bank investments in commercial real estate; the role played by net worth (owners’ equity), or capital- especially the inclusion of "goodwill" as part of a banks net worth. It was a situation of too little, too late. The restrictions of commodities were let loose but too late. By this time almost 50% of banks were insolvent and were having a net worth that was negative. There was duration of risk in the rising interest rates that led to both income and balance sheet problems. During the time of deregulation, banks did not make profits as a result of excess regulation as deregulation process was slow. Banks resorted to riskier high returning loans to reinstate profitability. In most cases, this worsened the situation. S and Ls ultimately had up to forty percent of its assets in real estate, 10% in direct investments and junk bonds and 30% in lending consumers. After excessive regulation, it got itself into problems by expanding finance and credit areas where there were no background, experience or expertise. What effect did government insurance of deposits for up to $100,000 have on depositors and banks? Does it seem fair to you that banks making risky, speculative investments paid the same deposit insurance premiums as those making safer, more conservative loans? Moreover, brokers and depositors exploited how to manipulate the 100000 dollars limit using brokered deposits. If one had 10 million for investments in banks, he would be insured to an optimum of 100000 dollars. Therefore, a broker would break the amount into a hundred investments if hundred thousand dollars each and will buy $100000 100 CDs with 100 banks. This limit would be 100000 dollars for each account and not each depositor. Consequently, very rich individuals get insured using the tax payers’ money. Riskier speculations in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Th Scond Globl Shft s Rloctng Clustrs n th Fnncl Industry n Europ Term Paper

Th Scond Globl Shft s Rloctng Clustrs n th Fnncl Industry n Europ - Term Paper Example ent economically and politically reigning over the world, but the rapidly emerging economic power of China and Japan is also an undeniable fact; which is the precursor of the second global shift. An emergence of competitors in the shape of China and Japan is adversely affecting the economic power of the USA. The resurgence of Asia especially East Asia is undoubtedly, the most significant global shift in the geography of the world economy during the past 40 years. (Dicken, 2007, p. 43) Another very important fact is the complex geography of the product manufacturing process. â€Å"In other words, economic activity is becoming ‘deterritorialized’ or ‘disembedded’.† (Dicken, 2007, p. 18). For example, open boarders today allow some parts of the product being made in one country and it’s assembling being done in another. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the influence of the second global shift on the financial service industry, particularly the European financial services. Moreover, we will examine how this global shift will change the structure of financial groups in Europe. The first global shift is the period of time when economic and political power was shifted from Britain and some European countries to the United States. This shift started occurring after the Second World War when United States appeared as a supreme economic and political power. After 1945 the world was dominated by two blocks i.e. the United States with its allies and the Soviet Union with its allies. This division was not only confined to economic differences but to socio-political differences as well. This is when the silent strain between the capitalist and the communist world began. â€Å"Hence, the world economic system that emerged after 1945 was, in many ways, a new beginning. It reflected both the new political realities of the post-war period – particularly the sharp division between East and West _ and also the harsh economic and social experiences of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Animation Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Animation Critique - Essay Example Fred Moore was different from the other animators because of his style of drawing. He was ranked in a different league because he gave charm, emotion and appeal to his characters. By doing this his characters looked more substantial while performing their actions. Fred had the 14 points of animation which he kept in check while working. He concluded that the character should have appeal, interesting depiction, entertaining, presence of creator in character, advancement of character, two-dimensional clarity, three-dimensional solidity and four-dimensional drawing (Duggan, 99). Moore was famous for portraying womanhood with great flair. His drawing of Snow White did not impress Walt hence he was given the responsibility to create the dwarfs. Moore designed the look and personalities of the seven dwarfs and also animated the famous scene of Snow White kissing Grumpy dwarf (Lenburg, 342). Animation history is full of world class animators. Another famous individual known in field is Pete Burness, who is well known for creating the character of Mr. Magoo (Lenburg, 39). The most famous character in the world of animation is Walt Disney. He was a legend who gave us Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and Bambi. He was known for his innovative thinking and perfection. His animated characters have and will always be alive among us (Krasniewicz,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Culture Impact On International Business Cultural Studies Essay

Culture Impact On International Business Cultural Studies Essay Culture always makes a great impact on international trade. Although there are similarities between various cultures, but there are also obvious differences, the ever-present different cultural backgrounds affect international trade. Different cultural products in international trade will have the name, trademarks, advertisements, and verbal and written communication translation impact. Therefore, cultural factors should be taken into account in the international trade, in order to avoid misunderstandings which may result in economic losses. In international trade, cultural background, language and customs and other cultural differences become the invisible barriers as cross-cultural communication in international trade. To analysis the differences of language and cultural factors and their impact, the crucial element to open the international market and expand International trade successfully is implementing cross-cultural exchange effectively. Many powerful companies failed in international business, the main reason are not the shortage of capital or technology, but due to ignoring the cultural differences impact on trade and communication. In the face of this, we should be aware of the importance of culture, find out the aspects of culture that impact on the international trade, and know how these points work. Relevance of Culture The impact on international trade of ubiquitous cultural factor is recessive and potential. Culture has the characteristic of group. As the common pattern of behaviour which accumulated in the history, people approve and follow their own culture they live with. Culture hybrid is the catalyst of economic development while culture conflict is the cancer cell of economic cooperation. 2.1 Concept of Culture Culture is the way in which a group of people solves problems and reconciles dilemmas. (Alfons Trompenaars, Charles Hampden-Turner, 1993, P6) Culture is formed by the ideas, concepts, behaviour, customs, habits, representatives of a group in a given period and the overall sense from this group out of all the activities. 2.2 Values of Culture According to the importance of culture, it is necessary to know the culture well. When acquiring a language and know the accuracy meaning in the culture, we can communicate with others through it. By understanding the customs, we can anticipate how business partners and customers are likely to respond. By learning the partners or customers culture values, we can distinguish between what is considered right or wrong, acceptable or offensive. To know the different ways of thinking in different culture, we can identify with other managers, provide knowledge to meet and negotiation with them. 2.3 Levels of Culture As we learn from the lecture, we know there are at least three levels of culture: National/Regional Culture-Culture within a country/regional Corporate Culture-Culture within a specific organization Professional Culture-Culture of particular functions within an organization 3.0 How does culture work As we know, culture is a broad concept. So it can affect international trade in many ways both internal and external the enterprise. 3.1 National/Regional Culture Language Cultural difference is an important factor that restricts the translation of the words. Because translation involves different using principle of two different languages. In the translation process, if you dont know the different culture very well, this often occurs that the meaning is quite the opposite with the real meaning which can lead to the misunderstanding. For example, when the General Motors Corporation enters the market of Belgium, the slogan was Body in Belgium, but when translating the slogan into Flemish language, the meaning was corpse by Fisher. The strange slogan led to embarrassment and the customers confusion. Things followed were the dramatically slip of the sales volume until the administration became aware of this problem. This situation shows the significance of understanding the language in the different culture background. Custom Different countries have different customs, the tradition way of life, the hobby of people, the taboo, etc., all these show the culture diversity of the world. A bitter case shows the consequences of disrespect of custom. Lawrence Stessin, the anthropologist, pointed this in his report. A business man from North California wanted to purchase a textile machines company from Birmingham in UK to open the European market. Not long after he took over the company, the manager from America want to rectify a problem about the British teatime. Lawrence said, in British, every worker had the teatime of half an hour. During the time, workers can taste some wine in the large ounce container on their own preferences. The manager proposed reducing the teatime to 10 minutes and union agreed. But a week later, the workers rioted in the factory. They broke the windows, destroyed the machines and hooted the administrators. The manager tried to redeem for the loss, he installed the vending machines with the low capacity cups instead of the large ounce containers. Based on the American custom, the rules requested more contribution and loyalty of the workers bu t disrespected the local custom, the company ended in bankruptcy. Values As the result of the difference of countries historical development, the formation of culture differs a lot in the long history. People also have different opinions and values on the same thing. In international trade activities, people with different culture background show the obvious differences on the concept of time, decision-making and conflict management approach. Americans believe in free competition and individualism. Personal courage to assume responsibilities is a virtue in Americans eyes and its the positive performance. So in a negotiation, the representative wields the power to make his own decision within the authorized scope. On the contrary, Chinese people pay great attention on collective decision-making and emphasise the team wisdom. As the proverb says, Two heads are better than one. Especially in Japan, a collective country, team interests are higher than everything at any time. The difference between Asian and Western values leads to the different understanding to some things, which sometimes results in the barriers in the trade and verbal communication. Mode of thinking American linguist Robert B Kaplan(1966) proposed the Cultural thought patterns in inter-cultural education through the research of abroad students who speak different mother tongue. He believes that thinking is spiral Oriental while Western thinking is linear in. Once an American corporation wanted to enter the market of south China, they sent a representative to deal with the business. Also, China side wants to enlarge its trade. Since both sides were satisfied with the deal, the negotiation should be favouring. But the process of negotiation was not so simple. It was problem here that the different thinking way. To show humility and amiable, the Chinese manager always used some fuzzy words, like maybe, perhaps, whatever, etc.. All these made the American manager doubted whether the Chinese manager were pure-hearted to make the deal. So they didnt sign the contract in China. To show the respect to others, the Chinese manager didnt express his will to deal. After going back to America, the manager wrote a letter to China and directly express that he wanted to cooperate with China. The Chinese are happy to accept and wrote back. But in the long letter, he put the key point in the end with the long-winded matting before. At last there was no tr ansaction because of the misunderstanding which resulted from different mode of thinking. 3.2 Corporate Culture The relationship between staff-Tom Peters, American writer on business management practices, said that the only real resource to the enterprise is human. Therefore, the harmonious atmosphere among staff is quite important to the development of enterprise. It is quite normal for a transnational enterprise to hire talented persons. While unseemly ways of arranging employees led to a series of problem in an enterprise. To some extent, the appearance of these people leads to internal staff personnel psychological confrontation. This is a process of coordination and adjustment. But the administration ignored this serious point and just paid more attention to these talented persons. During this period, the spirit and morale of the old staff were affected. They became less loyal and negative and resulted in the decline in performance. Another situation will lead to the discord among employees. As a Chinese, we are used to it while which may offend people in other countries. Suppose there are three employees, A, B and C. When A and B are talking about something, C comes and interrupts their conversation or joins their talking. It is normal in China and people can accept. In western, however, people think they were not respected or even offended. They cant accept this behaviour. So if this situation happens in an enterprise with employees from different countries, the harmonious atmosphere will be broken and lead to the performance. The relationship between higher and lower levels-the relationship between boss and employee is interaction and help each other forward. In the Chinese and Western culture, this relationship shows some difference: Role difference-In China, the mainstream of Chinese culture emphasizes the group and social values. People pay more attention on the affiliation between individual and group. The actions and observation must be in accordance with the expectation of group. In contrast, western people emphasize individual rights and independence. For example, to respect peoples rights and freedom, the speaker always uses the phrasing like Would youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦? Could youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.? Shall Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦? etc. No matter how the relationship is between two persons. This different position of role leads to the misunderstanding between boss and employee from different culture background. Daily conversation-Because of the difference of different culture, a polite term in one culture may be considered as the impolite, inappropriate language in another culture. In China, people used to show the respect only to eldership or higher authorities. Among the western people, they always call each others first name, whether you are my eldership or boss or teacher. Instead of being impolite, they think its the way to show intimate among people. For example, in a transnational enterprise, the manager is a Chinese and the employee is a British. The manager will assign a task to the employee without the words like please thank you which may depresses the employee in some extent. The opposite situation, if the manager is a western people while the employee is a Chinese. Its normal when the manager call the name of the employee. As the junior employee, Chinese people always say its too late, youd better to go home or something like that to show concerning. But the manager may feel being interfered because time to go home is his own right. Nonverbal communication-during the conversation, not only the express are different, but also the space distance in different culture background. In UK, people divided the distance into four types: intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, public distance. In France, people will hug and kiss the face. While in China, there is no definite distance in social intercourse. The type of body touch is shaking hands or hugging which mostly happens among the same gender. Expect lovers, the situation of kissing and hugging will never happen among the opposite gender. And females always go out hand in hand if they are good friends which may be misunderstood in western countries. 3.3 Professional Culture Within an organization, both professional culture and organizational culture can shape the decisions, output and something else in it. The organisational culture is a system that has an impact on the whole organization. While the professional culture lays particular emphasis on individual effort. The coexistence of these two cultures can plan the development of organization much better. If the organization can recruit participants who have the characteristics it requires, it does not have to develop these characteristics through training and education.'(Amitai Etzioni, 1961) If the organizational culture is fixed, the goals, the competitor, the position are definite, the organization has to recruit employees with the specific characteristics. Here, the professional culture does make sense. As a collective country, Japanese employ own the high loyalty to their organization. The unique loyalty can be seen as the professional culture within an organization. The loyalty plays a particular and significant role in the enterprise. The intrinsic motivation of the workers loyalty originates from the trust mechanism. Therefore, the Japanese workers loyalty is one of the most important reasons that the Japanese corporate achieve success. A Chinese business man established a restaurant in Japan several years ago. In the first few years, he hired Chinese people because they are his compatriots. Before long, however, the employees were replaced by Japanese gradually. Some guests from China want to know the reason. He told them that Japanese are easy to manage. More importantly, the Japanese employees are always concerning more about the restaurant. Once he became the staff, he was a member of this team. The team grew better so that the staff got better. A manager of human resource department in a Japanese transnational enterprise once said, as individuals, Chinese people have the excellent working capability. But as a member of the organization, they lack compatibility and sufficient responsibility. This enterprise recruited 20 IT employees from China. And the administration wanted to inculcate a spirit of loyal to organization. But too much emphasis on this point sometimes led to their negative mentality. There is another phenomenon that we can only see in Japan. Some Chinese consultants had the business transactions with a Japanese newspaper office. They found strange that they could rarely see the boss himself appearing in the office during the several years. All the internal things were assigned to the manager. The boss was always staying at home by remote control. Everything was in perfect order. All the employees worked hard and dedicate without lazing. They all treated the enterprise and boss as their family because they know better the company was, much more money they could earn. Once a Japanese manager was asked a question, Why dont you start your own business and be your own boss with your talent? In that company, he deals with all the affairs. He can earn much more if he start his own business. But he said that he has been in the company for more than three decades from a staff to a manager. His growth cant be without the training and cultivate of the boss and enterprise. They are a big family. In Japan, employees are loyal to the company. Even if another company will pay more and provide better treatment, they wont change their minds easily. How to measure an employees loyalty? When buying things for the company, the staff never receive kickbacks; never use the company telephone to make personal international call; to be the first one to come, the last one to go back; meticulous, and so on. In the eyes of Japanese workers, these things are unalterable. The best way to show the employees loyalty is the company of their choice, or single-mindedness. And the boss defines the loyal staff as actively perform the spirit of sacrifice. Since the 90s from last century, Japans bubble economy collapsed. The problem of employees loyalty emerged. Japanese human resource instruction conducted a survey in 2002. Among Netherlands, Mexico, United States, Germany, Italy, Japan and some other countries, the employees loyalty of the first three countries was 73%, 72%, 68% respectively. That of Japan was only 50%. They were shocked by the results. This result indicates that the positive influence of professional culture needs a steady surrounding. Conclusion In the East-West cooperation business process, cultural backgrounds, different cultural mentality, customs, are often overlooked by many people. While the cultural factor is the key factor that determines the success or failure of business activities. Quite different from the normal trade, the international trade within different culture background request more. Dealers should know each others culture and custom very well. Its the guarantee of success. In international business, we should pay more attention to differences in cross-cultural communication. Correctly deal with cultural differences and prevent the barriers that may be caused by cultural patterns and cultural prejudices. Among the staff, everyone should respect each other and treat equality. The key to success in cross-culture communication is treating the culture difference properly; try to exclude cultural superiority, cultural patterns and cultural prejudices of the interference. This is the only way to carry out the international trade activities in cross-culture communication successfully. We can establish the international culture exchange centre; carry out the multi-level forms of culture display and exchange to eliminate the concept of custom, language and art appreciation and other aspects of trade barriers. The formulation of foreign trade policy for the enterprises should be syncretised with that the local culture. We cant always challenge a culture if its not suited to our system. It is necessary to create the countrys cultural products for sale, but also the manner and extent of pricing that people can accept, and try to find suitable local custom channels to purchase objects willing to accept the publicity. These links are indispensable, and only all of them are put together organically, the barriers can be broken. In conclusion, we stress that culture is the primary factor in business trade, and the major barrier is the difference between historical cultures. Cultural factors are unavoidable. Cultural universals are dominant, and cultural differences can be bridged by international trade. Moreover, with the development of cultural interpenetration, the influence of cultural differences will become smaller. The cross-culture communication activity will become easier than before.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Critical Response to Lady Chatterleys Lover Essay -- chatterley

A Critical Response to Lady Chatterley's Lover      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence examines the human condition in the modern era.   Through the experiences of the novel's characters, Lady Chatterley's Lover advances techniques for coping with the modern world:   retreating from society and engaging in phallic sex.   However, the application of these techniques is problematic as phallic sex necessitates the abandonment of social convention, while retreating from society conflicts with phallic sex.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lawrence's tactics of retreating from society and engaging in phallic sex are a response to conditions that he perceived in England.   A problem that afflicts the English people in Lawrence's novel is the pressure of social convention causing individuals to lead unhappy lives.   For example, Lawrence examines the lives of colliers:   "The iron and the coal had eaten deep into the bodies and souls of the men" (159).   Iron and coal are also a reference to the capitalist-industrialist complex that drives the colliery, making it clear that it is capitalist values which are eating away at the men.   The village of Tevershall reflects the state of its builders:   "The utter negation of natural beauty, the utter negation of the gladness of life, the utter absence of the instinct for shapely beauty which every bird and beast has, the utter death of the human intuitive faculty was appalling" (152).   Both the people and their dwellings have been warped by m odernity.   The narrator sums up the consequences of modern society for the colliers and the English people:   "...a new race of mankind, over-conscious in the money and social and political side, on the spontaneous intuitive side dead, but dead.   Half-corpses, all of t... ...f phallic sex.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two strategies that D. H. Lawrence's novel Lady Chatterley's Lover offers for coping with the modern world are phallic sex and a retreat from society.   Unfortunately, the ideal of phallic sex is difficult to achieve due to the necessity of abandoning social convention, while retreating from society conflicts with having phallic sex.   Lawrence's ideas offer unconventional methods for coping with modern life.   However, a reader who wishes to apply these ideas must bear in mind that no amount of sex or isolation is likely to resolve the problems which plague modern society. Works Cited Lawrence, D. H..   Lady Chatterley's Lover.   Ed. Michael Squires.   New York:   Penguin Books, 1994. Lawrence, D. H..   "A Propos of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'". Lady Chatterley's Lover.   Ed. Michael Squires.   New York:   Penguin Books, 1994. A Critical Response to Lady Chatterley's Lover Essay -- chatterley A Critical Response to Lady Chatterley's Lover      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence examines the human condition in the modern era.   Through the experiences of the novel's characters, Lady Chatterley's Lover advances techniques for coping with the modern world:   retreating from society and engaging in phallic sex.   However, the application of these techniques is problematic as phallic sex necessitates the abandonment of social convention, while retreating from society conflicts with phallic sex.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lawrence's tactics of retreating from society and engaging in phallic sex are a response to conditions that he perceived in England.   A problem that afflicts the English people in Lawrence's novel is the pressure of social convention causing individuals to lead unhappy lives.   For example, Lawrence examines the lives of colliers:   "The iron and the coal had eaten deep into the bodies and souls of the men" (159).   Iron and coal are also a reference to the capitalist-industrialist complex that drives the colliery, making it clear that it is capitalist values which are eating away at the men.   The village of Tevershall reflects the state of its builders:   "The utter negation of natural beauty, the utter negation of the gladness of life, the utter absence of the instinct for shapely beauty which every bird and beast has, the utter death of the human intuitive faculty was appalling" (152).   Both the people and their dwellings have been warped by m odernity.   The narrator sums up the consequences of modern society for the colliers and the English people:   "...a new race of mankind, over-conscious in the money and social and political side, on the spontaneous intuitive side dead, but dead.   Half-corpses, all of t... ...f phallic sex.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two strategies that D. H. Lawrence's novel Lady Chatterley's Lover offers for coping with the modern world are phallic sex and a retreat from society.   Unfortunately, the ideal of phallic sex is difficult to achieve due to the necessity of abandoning social convention, while retreating from society conflicts with having phallic sex.   Lawrence's ideas offer unconventional methods for coping with modern life.   However, a reader who wishes to apply these ideas must bear in mind that no amount of sex or isolation is likely to resolve the problems which plague modern society. Works Cited Lawrence, D. H..   Lady Chatterley's Lover.   Ed. Michael Squires.   New York:   Penguin Books, 1994. Lawrence, D. H..   "A Propos of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'". Lady Chatterley's Lover.   Ed. Michael Squires.   New York:   Penguin Books, 1994.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Medical Equipment Inc

Medical Equipment INC Q1) No, Grover thought that he has a good understanding for the culture because he was raised in Saudi Arabia, but the reality is he grew in an expatriate compound with limited contact with the Saudi people or the Saudi culture. He went to an Indian school and then went to take his college degree in the USA. His internships gave him the opportunity to work in France and the United States. The internships prepared him to work in the field but Saudi business concept is foreign to him.Grover did not understand the Saudi culture and missed some critical points while he was trying to get the deal. He knew that relationships are important in making business in Saudi Arabia which is completely true. The problem was he tried to build relations with the wrong persons the foreign cardiologist, the Egyptian biomedical engineer and the purchasing manager, but he could not reach the purchasing director. In a hierarchy community as Saudi Arabia the purchasing director is the most important one to build a relation with he is the one who can give Grover the deal.Grover spent his time building relation with people who can’t help him with the deal. It was obvious for me that Al Humaidi was avoiding meeting with Grover and when he finally met him after approximately one month it was a formal conversion. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 9 years and from my experience Saudi’s only have a say in Saudi Arabia. Foreigners or non Saudi Arabs working there have no say when it comes to business deals.A Saudi will always prefer to work with an Arab like Najjar and not an Indian because of the language and religious similarities this may sound harsh but is true especially in a situation like this where Al Humaidi had established a long relation with Najjar. Q2) Bribe is never justified and it is unethical, unless you are working in a pharmaceutical company or in a medical equipment company. I am a pharmacist who worked in Egypt and lived in Saudi Arabia and f rom my experience that all the deals in this field need bribes.Bribes are not ethical at all but are a common practice in field of pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies. In Grover’s case it’s within company rules to offer a trip to a business customer to one of the showrooms to view and get more details regarding medical equipments latest software and technology. This can be considered a bride but it’s not as obvious as cash. Cash bribery’s is not allowed, and would be a mistake. The hospital that Al Humaidi works for is a government owned one with a large budget to work with so if Grover offered money this wouldn’t be viewed as an incentive to buy the medical equipment.In Egypt companies give the mangers of the client gifts depending on the field that the company works in and how popular and attractive the actual product being offered is. I remember a famous company that produces the devices that measures blood sugar level, in a way to pr omote its devices the company offered the product free to the physicians and the pharmacies with the strips needed so the physician can use it himself on patients or give it as a gift or use it in his clinic and the pharmacy of course will use it to measure the blood sugar level for the customer.The company will get double benefit, the physician and the pharmacy will advertise the product to the patient by using this device and the patient will be advised to buy one. Q3) Grover has limited options that may be acceptable. There are 4 options I see as possible the first one is to continue in his way of conducting business. Grover’s current plan of action is morally and ethically safe, will not break any rules of the company or of his conscious but he may lose the deal.The second option is to proceed with the trip offer which will give him a chance to win the deal and in the same time he can document it as a business expense so it will not look as a bribe. As a show of commitmen t Grover should accompany Al Humaidi to the trip to help build a long lasting relationship. By going on the trip with Al Humaidi he can try to secure the current sale and also build for the future by assuring Al Humaidi that Medical Equipment INC. will be ready to work with him and be there for support and logistical backup and no also provide the best, outstanding technology for a reasonable price.The third option is to create a plan B and try to secure a sale regardless of the size, just to try and get in good favor with Al Humaidi with a potential of future business. It seems that even with careful analysis and generating a sales plan that offered all the best equipment according to the hospitals needs; this was still not adequate to secure the sale. From what Grover knows now he can create a plan B and modify the list of equipment that is offered and tailor it to the needs of the engineering and cardiology department only.The ECG machine that is being offered is far superior to that of the equivalent product that Wilson’s is offering. Knowing this and already having established a positive relationship with Dr. Saxman, Grover can push the two products that appeal more to the hospital. If the desired sale of $725,000USD worth of equipment is out of reach, then Grover could go forward with plan B and put an emphasis on the two ranges of products that Medical Equipment INC. has the edge over.While implementing this plan Grover already knows he is in good place with the cardiology department and engineering department so he could meet again with the purchasing manager Sultan and persuade him to schedule a meeting between the cardiology, engineering department, Sultan and Al Humaidi to discuss the new plan. This way not only would Grover have the support of the department but he would have a Saudi in Sultan to help push this new idea. Al Humaidi will be still able to take the two devices from Grover and take the other devices the hospital needs from Najja r.In the case it was mentioned that the low or high estimation of the order is wrong and will result in losing the deal but in Grover case he make the right evaluation of the need of the hospital but he will provide just 2 devices of these needs and this is acceptable, during my work in a governmental institution that need medical devices I saw a lot of deals involve buying the needs of the institution from 2 and 3 different companies depend on the price and the quality of the devices each company offers. So it is not weird or strange to just provide part of the needs even when you can provide it all it depends on the situation of the deal.The One option that would cause him to lose the deal is to offer cash to Al Humaidi. For one Grover would not be able record the cash gift and it would be highly against company ethic code. If an unethical cash type bride was offered, Grover would not be able to predict the reaction of Al Humaidi and the deal could be lost and Grover could risk hi s job or worse be deported from the country. Q4) I think the best option is to go with the trip option. In my field of work in pharmacy I saw these trips happen a lot and it is a common practice in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies.It’s an acceptable way to close the deals and gives the seller a higher percentage of closing the deal. So I think this trip will give him a great opportunity to win this deal especially if he went with the director in it and build a good relation with him and at the same time Grover won’t risk his position in the company because it is not considered a bribe or unethical for the medical equipment’s company. If the trip did not secure the deal he can always use plan B which will be easier to use after the trip because of the good relation he built with Al Humaidi.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Emperor Charlemagne in La Chanson de Roland essays

The Emperor Charlemagne in La Chanson de Roland essays La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland) is an Old French epic poem that belongs to the genre of the chanson de geste. Literally translated as song of deeds, they can be considered the foundation and beginning of French literature. Emperor Charlemagne is one of the main protagonists in the poem who is based on a historical figure but takes on epic proportions in the context of the chanson. It is evident from the text that, while Charlemagnes character is at its highest point of nobility in La Chanson de Roland, his character is simultaneously undermined. The ways in which Charlemagnes character is constructed in the chanson reflects changes in both the literary and historical worlds that occurred contemporaneous with the creation of the poem. This depiction of Charlemagnes character is a watershed in the evolution of the genre and of French Literature. A reader must always remember that the foremost theme of this poem is the triumph and superiority of Christianity over foreign religions and foreign civilizations (i.e. the Saracens). The Song of Roland evolves around the image of an old king whose mission is the establishment and constant defense of an empire beloved of God (Uitti, 65). Therefore Charlemagne, as the Holy Roman Emperor and leader of the religiously devoted Franks, is represented in the poem as the incarnation of Christianity on earth. The memory of the imperial power of the historical Charlemagne contributes potently to the original mystery of the epic king of France. But it was Charles the warrior, the right arm of the Church, the valiant defender of Christendom against pagan and Infidel invasion that comes most prominently into view (Comfort, 285). Charlemagne, with the help of his knights, has been divinely elected to carry out the all-important mission of spreading Christianity across Western Europe. They are engaging in what they interpret as God&apo...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How is Julius Caesar essays

How is Julius Caesar essays Many may ask, how is the death of Julius Caesar relevant today or whether there really is any relevance to the people of Rome some two months after his' death. It has been more than two months after the assignation of the great Julius Caesar, but many are pondering that how will his death affect their lives? There are many answers to this question depending on whether or not you were a follower of Julius Caesar or support Brutus' claim that he killed Caesar for the people of Rome's well being. Which side you pick is up to you but, the life of Julius Caesar is still relevant today in the aspect of how Rome should be ruled. Brutus gave a speech to Caesar's people explaining the assignation of Caesar and seemed to have convinced them that the assignation of Caesar was to protect the people of Rome. Is this suggesting that Julius Caesar was a bad leader or is this an act of jealousy on the part of Brutus. This was the topic on the minds of many of Julius Caesar's followers but Brutus convinced them that having Caesar as Emperor of Rome was going to put the Future of Rome is jeopardy. Therefore according to Brutus, Julius Caesar would not make a good emperor. So does that mean we must have the qualities of Brutus to be a successful ruler of Rome and neglect Caesar's qualities? That is what future candidates for the title of Emperor of Rome must consider, But it always comes back to the people of Rome of whether or not an Emperor will be successful or a failure. Julius Caesar was not short of supporters, he seemed to have the love and compassion needed to be emperor but according to Brutus, The people of Rome would put themselves in danger by having Caesar as Emperor, so Brutus had to make sure that Caesar would not become emperor and what better way to assure this than killing him, that would make sure he wouldn't become emperor but what about the people, it always comes back to the people, he must convince them that killing...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Finance - Essay Example Purchases by store card went down from 134 in 1998 to 83 in 2005, thus reflecting a negative trend. However, this cannot be generalized as there was a negligible change in the years from 1998 to 2003, after which there seems to have been a steady downtrend. The total purchase on plastic cards showed a continuous and consistent growth during the period under study. From a figure of 3094 in 1998, the purchases grew to almost double or 6094 in 2005.There was also an increase in ATM and counter withdrawals, though the rise was not a steep one in the period under observation. For automatic transactions (e.g. direct debits, standing orders) there was a steady increase from 1998 to 2005, with the growth being faster in the period from 2003 to 2005.Payment by cheques , showed a negative growth from 2,988 in 1998 to 1,931 in 2005 i.e a reduction of almost 35%.Thus, there seems to have been a decline in the use of cheques for payments in the given period In 2005, the use of cash for transactions fell to 23,968 from 25,309 in 1998. Withdrawals from Post Offices also fell drastically in the period under observation. In 2005, it fell to almost 25% of the value as compared to 1998. While the total value of all transactions remained more or less the same till 2005, for the observation period, it grew marginally from 1998 to 2000, from 37,381 to 40,966.Thus, we can conclude that though there was not much change in the value of transactions from 1998 to 2005, the usage of plastic money, especially debit cards grew phenomenally in the given period. Cash transactions showed a negative trend and Post Office cash withdrawals went down drastically. We can also safely conclude that the group was moving from a credit society to a credit free one. People have realized the value of thrift and do not plunge blindly into credit card obligations. Instead, they spend through debit card, which draws upon the money already available in their account, and is also safer to carry around than cash. Thus, the consumer seems to have become wiser in the given period. Part B Briefly describe the financial planning model and outline what it is designed to achieve. Give an example of how the 'review' stage of financial planning might need to take into account a change in social and economic context and an example of how it might need to take into account the individual's life course. Financial plans are a means of achieving goals. Therefore, being clear about goals helps when working out financial plans. The following table shows how some goals can be achieved by financial planning. In each case, the financial plan provides a means of achieving a goal. Goal Financial plan Help the homeless Adjust pattern of spending Reduce debt worries Improve debt management Have some money to draw on in a crisis Build up an emergency fund Have a lump sum for specific projects Build up short-term savings Have a comfortable retirement Build up long-term savings Buy flat Save for a deposit Protect dependants Make a will Financial planning can take place in four stages. Stage 1 is to assess the situation, including the relative importance of different goals. Stage 2 is to decide on a financial plan, given goals and constraints. Then, Stage 3 is to act on the financial plan, and Stage 4 is to review the outcome of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Carters Bakery Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Carters Bakery Business Report - Essay Example Hill (2005) describes operations management as â€Å"the field of study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, use and control of a manufacturing or service organization through the study of concepts that affects the organization†. (Hill, 2005) This business report presents an analytical analysis of Carter’s bakery business in terms in production, management and selling. The report will look at the areas that should be improved in the business. Operations management is very important in any business organization. The main aim of undertaking operation management should be to increase productivity, reduce costs of productions, and enhance flexibility to match customer requirements and at the same time improve quality and customer care services. (Ruffini, et al, 2000) As business organizations formulates plans and ways of dealing with the business opportunities and daily challenges that come up within the business environment, it is important that the business formulates a system which is able to produce quality services and products in required amounts and within the required time frame. In relation to Carter bakery, the operations were not well formulated and market research carried out was not enough to give them enough information about the market. Designing the business system starts with developing product. Development of a product entails determining the features and characteristics of a good product to be sold. When designing a product it is important that the customer needs should be incorporated in the designing process. The facilities and tools which will be used in product production are in this category. Also information system that is required in monitoring and controlling the performance of the product are included in this stage of designing. As Slack et al, (2007) points out manufacturing process of a business or a company are integral part of the designing process and will determine the failure or the success of the business